
Root: Turb : Latin : from turbare, "to throw into confusion or upset"

Latin, turba = "crowd" or "confusion"

Preturb: to upset, confuse or disarrange. Watching the news for more than 15 minutes is more likely to preturb you than enlighten you.

Turbine: a rotary engine with blades made to turn and generate power by a current of water, steam, or air. A turbine is essentially a mechanical device to harness seemingly chaotic energy. I often wonder what types of chaotic energy stand before our eyes that we fail to see how to harness.

Turbulent: stirred up, agitated. Stirring up unrest, violence, or disturbance. The middle east is a bit turbulent.

Turbid: thick or murky, especially with churned-up sediment. Unclear, confused, muddled. U.S. Politics have become nearly as turbid as the Gulf of Mexico, as of late. You have the party of old energy, small government, and deregulation is accusing the party of tree huggers, big government, and regulation of not playing a sufficient role in the activity of oil companies. WTF.

...get it? I'm perturbed. :-)