
Prob / Prov : from Latin : for 'prove or proof' or 'honesty and integrity'

Approbation: a formal or official act of approving; praise, usually given with pleasure or enthusiasm.

The 2011 film "Unknown" didn't get, nor does it deserve, much approbation from the critics.  Unknown is like a cheap imitation of one, if not all, of series of recent action movies (some decent, some really good) that have explored the fallibility of  perception through an unreliable protagonist: Salt, Bourne Identity, Shutter Island, and Inception.

Disprove: to show that something is not what it has been claimed to be; refute.

In the movie "Unknown" Liam Neeson plays a botanist named "Dr. Martin Harris" who after being knocked unconscious in an accident while proceeding to conference in Berlin, discovers that he has been replaced by someone else, and everyone, including his wife, denies that the is the real "Dr. Martin Harris". Still a little foggy from his accident "Dr. Harris" tries to disprove the other gentleman is himself, the local police, the audience, and maybe even himself.

Probity: absolute honesty and uprightness.

For a time "Dr. Martin Harris" believes with Probity that he is "Dr. Martin Harris", a botanist.  It is only later in the movie that he discovers that actually he is a spy who was sent to Berlin in a nefarious plot to assassinate someone, however he had forgotten this as a result of the head trama.

Reprobate: a person of thoroughly bad character.  Re = 'back' or 'backwards'. Thus Reprobate = the opposite of absolute honesty and uprightness.

It turns out that whoever this "Dr. Martin Harris" spy impostor is he is not a total reprobate.  "Dr Martin Harris" uses his well honed spy skills to thwart the assassination and to help a pretty young lady that got wrapped up in his confusing plot.  I guess after getting hit in the knocker, and discovering that the person he believed to be his wife denied he was who he thought he was, he somehow decides whoever the hell he is he rather be on the side of  right than the side of wrong.

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