Explicit: clearly defined or stated. Clearly, fully, and emphatically expressed.
In the movie,A Christmas Story, Nine-year-old Ralph "Ralphie" Parker explicitly states that the only thing he wants for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB gun.
Explicit Synonyms: clear, clear-cut, decisive, emphatic, straightforward, strongly worded, unambiguous, unequivocal.
Implicit: 1. implied or understood but not expressed. Conveyed indirectly without words or speech. "it goes without saying"
When Ralphie expresses his desire for a Red Ryder BB gun nearly everyone (his mom, his teacher, and even Santa) tells Ralphie that "you will shoot your eye out," which implicitly means No. However, the one person Ralphie does not ask, his father, implicitly knows what Ralphie wants and buys it for him for Christmas.
Implicit Synonyms: 1. hinted, implied, inferred, insinuated, suggested, tacit, unarticulated, understood, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unstated, wordless.
Explicit and Implicit are from the Latin Root Plic.