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- Popul
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- Roots
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- The
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- This or That?
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- Umbr
- Us
- Ut
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- Vest
- Volu
- Volv
- Women
Roots : Popul : Latin : "People"
Population: the people of an area.
The Census is a national government survey that attempts to determine the actual size and characteristics of the population. A census survey is one that goes to an entire population. A random sample survey only goes to a random selection of individuals. For most scientific questions random sample surveys have proven to predict the response of the larger population within 1 to 5% points of error and they cost a lot less money.
Popular: 1. liked by many people. 2. relating to the general public.
I was never popular in school. I kept to myself and typically went to work immediately after school or wrestling practice, depending on the season. My first party I attended was the summer after I graduated from High School. Very untypical I was not popular by any definition.
Popular culture: the culture of the general public.
Popular culture comes and goes. Just ask, Brett Michaels.
Populist: A believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people.
Once it was its own political party, now it seems everyone wants to get in on the Populist game. Democrats and Republicans trade barbs that the other is not as Populist as they are. "I'm more populist than you are!"
Populace: 1. the common people or masses. 2. population.
The populace requires large amounts of sports programming, sitcoms, and reality t.v. to lull it into complacency or it will could break out into pandemonium.
Populous: numerous, densely settled, or having large population.
New York City is populous, Casper Wyoming is not.
Vox Populi: the voice of the people. From the latin "vox pouli, vox Dei" or "the voice of the people is the voice of God".Vox populi is an important underpinning of democracy.