Extraterrestrial: beyond the earth.
After reviewing "Google Apps," Google's packaged offering for organizations, an official at ASU was quoted saying, "it is like something out of this world". ASU decided to use Google technology for it 65,000 population of faculty and students because they determined their IT resources would have no ability to keep up with the pace of innovation of Google products, whereas a dependence on Microsoft products requires an expensive investment in IT infrastructure and personnel that are beyond the reach of a non-profit public institution. I would argue this same logic could be applied to many private organizations as well.
Extravaganza: goes beyond the limits of reason or necessity.
When extra is used as a prefix it does not mean "extremely" but instead means "outside or beyond"
Extrapolate: to extend or project facts or data into an area not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends.
As an HR Analyst (a seeming contradiction) I have extrapolated trends from data relating to people to suggest courses of action that would be beneficial to organizations. For example, at Google I applied public actuarial health statistics (birth rates) and proprietary organizational statics (current headcount, presumed growth rates, and daycare costs) to predict the number of Google babies (Booglers) that would be born in a given time period, and the related cost for the organization to provide Googlers with childcare. On the basis of this extrapolation informed decisions could be made about the cost of providing this benefit relative to its perceived value to the organization. Google adjusted the portion of the benefit paid by the organization in order to focus the demand for the Benefit on a population who valued it more highly, while reducing the cost for the organization. Now in my mind, in the world of human resources, that is extraordinary.
Extramundane: situated in or relating to a region beyond the material world.
The world of Harry Potter is extramundane- it is full of magic, wizards, castles, and mythical creatures. As the story goes, Muggles, that is ordinary humans, are mundane. The series of books appear to be a treatise on why the primary protagonist, Harry Potter, is beyond the ordinary. In that sense I found the books to be quite predicable and ordinary. Sorry, that is just my opinion.
Extrovert: means "turned outward" - toward things outside of oneself. Extrovert is opposite of introvert, "turned inward".
Typical extroverts are excited by people, places, and things outside of their world. Introverts, on the other hand, are excited by the world of ideas they create inside of their minds and this may not require the participation of others. The perfect person would be one who could take that role of an introvert and apply it as an extrovert. That is they can dream of a new world and then create it as well. In my mind that is what the most successful scientists, inventors, religious figures, politicians, and business people are able to do. It is difficult and out of the ordinary- so society reveres these individuals as extraordinary human beings or at times even gods. Something to aspire for.
Extraneous: 1.existing or coming from the outside. 2. not forming an essential part; irrelevant.
I hope my comments on words are not extraneous to assimilation of the words by your subconscious mind.