Artful: 1. Skillful. 2. Wily, crafty, sly.
Have you noticed my attempts to be artful in my selection of movie posters for this blog?
Artifact: a simple object, such as a tool or ornament, made by human workmanship or modification.
Some anthropologists believe that the ability to produce and use artifacts are what make us human. (and also successful)
Artifice: 1. Clever skill. 2. Clever Trick.
There is a secret part of me that admires the artifice of an intelligent criminal.
Artisan: a skilled worker or craft person.
Kevin Spacey displayed that he is a true artisan actor in The Usual Suspects.
Artless: 1. ignorant, unskillful. 2. Free from guile, or stratagem.
"So full of artless jealousy is guilt, it spills itself in fearing to be spilt." William Shakespeare