
Roots : Fac / Fec / Fic : Latin : from Facere "to make or do"

Benefactor: someone who does good. Bene = good. Benefactor is a Good-do-or.

Manufacture: to make (usually in a factory). People in factories do things- they manufacture.

Confection: 1. a sweet food. 2. a piece of fine craftsmanship. A confection is confected- skillful combination of several ingredients. You do this and you could get a tasty piece of cake.

Facile: 1. easily accomplished. 2. shallow, superficial. "low hanging fruit" is a nice way of saying facile. In the business world they are always looking for "low hanging fruit". Example. Having exhausted all the facile public ideas to stop the oil from leaking into the Gulf, BP put their hope in the more time consuming and difficult process of drilling 'relief wells'.

Olfactory: having to do with the sense of smell. Ol is derived from olere, meaning "to smell". There are people that get paid for their olfactory ability.

Proficient: skilled in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge. You need to do something a lot to become proficient in it. In his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell, argues that if you want to become really proficient at something you just need to spend at least 10,000 hours doing it.