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- Latin
- luc
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- lux
- Matr
- Metr
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- The
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- This or That?
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- Us
- Ut
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- Volu
- Volv
- Women
Root: Matr / Metr : Greek / Latin : From Matris "mother"
Maternity: the state of being a mother; motherhood.
Matron: a mature woman with children.
Matrimony: marriage. Marriage is traditionally the first step towards motherhood.
Matrix: something in which something else is embedded or takes form. In Latin meant a female animal used for breeding purposes, or a plant that was used to produce other plants. Later acquired the meaning "list" or "register" -as the source of names.
Matriculate: to enroll as a member of a group, especially a school or college. Sign up to be on a list of students.
Alma Mater: Latin for "fostering mother"
Matrilineal: based on or tracing the family through the mother. Means literally "through the mothers line".
Matriarchs: mothers who rule. (arch = rule).
Metropolitan: having to do with a large important city and sometimes also its surrounding suburbs. Metropolis means "mother city"- in Greece a metropolis was usually the original city of a colony- thus the mother form which the colony was born.